ARA-B-LESS? Saatchi Gallery, LondonNothing to Declare video installatioFunky Punk Hijabis!Hassan Hajjaj response...Our lovely audience!Nedjim Bouizzoul (Labess)Nedjim Bouizzoul (Labess)Nedjim Bouizzoul (Labess)Hassan Hajjaj performanceShadi AlzaqzouqSarah El HamedNothing to Declare video installatioBonne Maman I & IIMina Eshag guarding 'Exclusion'IMG_1877Ara-b-less performance begins!Ara-b-less performanceAra-b-less performanceAra-b-less performancePunk hijabis having a drinkMina Eshag guarding 'Exclusion'Artist Larissa Sansour & Soren LindWanna be a punk hijabi?welcome to the state of Ara-b-lessCeremony Mots Pour Maux,Nothing to DeclareBonne Maman I & IICeremony Mots Pour Maux,Veronique video art + installationPunk HijabiPunk HijabiParis Calling perfomer + Punk hijabiParis Calling PerformanceParis Calling + PerformerUntitledLollipopsBonne Maman I Photos from our interactive art show at the Saatchi Gallery, London part of the Nour Arts Festival 2015 (Photos courtesy of Florian Herzberg
Nothing to Declare video installatioFunky Punk Hijabis!Hassan Hajjaj response...Our lovely audience!Nedjim Bouizzoul (Labess)Nedjim Bouizzoul (Labess)Nedjim Bouizzoul (Labess)Hassan Hajjaj performanceShadi AlzaqzouqSarah El HamedNothing to Declare video installatioBonne Maman I & IIMina Eshag guarding 'Exclusion'IMG_1877Ara-b-less performance begins!Ara-b-less performanceAra-b-less performanceAra-b-less performancePunk hijabis having a drinkMina Eshag guarding 'Exclusion'Artist Larissa Sansour & Soren LindWanna be a punk hijabi?welcome to the state of Ara-b-lessCeremony Mots Pour Maux,Nothing to DeclareBonne Maman I & IICeremony Mots Pour Maux,Veronique video art + installationPunk HijabiPunk HijabiParis Calling perfomer + Punk hijabiParis Calling PerformanceParis Calling + PerformerUntitledLollipopsBonne Maman I Photos from our interactive art show at the Saatchi Gallery, London part of the Nour Arts Festival 2015 (Photos courtesy of Florian Herzberg